
These essays are a way to think through how my personal experience (as a working artist and a mom of two) intersects with creativity, motherhood, feminism, archeology and the soft-apocalypse we are all living through. Some of these essay are published elsewhere, or come from my artist books, while others are just musings for our mutual curiosity. I will occasionally add new texts.

The Olive Orchard
kellye grace eisworth kellye grace eisworth

The Olive Orchard

Those trees. With their twisted skin and bitter fruit, their leaves are a school of tiny silver fish – a million solar panels tilting to the sun, drinking its endless light. They do not care who rules them, which empire takes the island, which dictator falls…

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Future Ruins
kellye grace eisworth kellye grace eisworth

Future Ruins

When I was in my early twenties and living in Rome, a friend of mine there said something I never forgot…

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kellye grace eisworth kellye grace eisworth


There is a heat wave in Russia. The damp hot darkness of the factory floor is suffocating. The chemistry is too warm, won’t bond. Acres of sticky emulsion and unruly silver halides languish…

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